The remains of the ancient creatures found in California

The remains of the ancient creatures found in California

The remains of a sea cow age of 25 million years found in California.

The skull and bones of the chest found on Santa Rosa Island, about 50 miles Northwest of Los Angeles, reports the Associated Press.

The remains of the ancient creatures found in California

The researchers say that the cow lived about 25 million years ago in the waters off the Channel Islands.

Later nearby found the remains of at least four marine animals. Scientists believe that this may be a previously unknown species of sea cows, but to say it probably will be possible only after a special analysis.

The sea cow is a genus of extinct mammals of the family duhnevich squad of sirens. They were slow and peaceful animals, most of the time grazing in shallow waters, feeding on marine vegetation. Sea cows lived in families that gathered in herds of up to several hundred individuals.

Found remains curved into the stone, so researchers need to determine how to retrieve them. According to Jonathan Hoffman of the Museum of natural history Santa Barbara, now the fossils was covered with a special protection from plaster and burlap, and excavations will resume in the spring.

Scientists hope to study teeth of the sea cows, which will help to know its the diet when the animal died.
