In California, an employee of the DMV 4 years sleeping on the job

Almost 4 years employee of the Department of motor vehicles (Department of Motor Vehicles — DMV) in California did not perform their duties because of sleep during working hours.

As revealed by the state inspection, the leading operator database DMV slept over 2.2 million hours of working time. The government holidays cost more than $40 million, says the report of the auditor of state about the misconduct of civil servants.

According to the report, from February 2014 to December 2017 employee ignored their duties for at least 3 hours each working day. Boss woman reported that she missed the daily 20-30 minutes work and that she had to Wake up 3-4 times a day.

4 however, eyewitnesses said that constantly saw a colleague sleeping at the table in working time — and she lay not 20-30 minutes, and hours at least 3 hours daily. In addition, according to eyewitnesses, the boss subordinate did not Wake.

In March 2018 the outcome of the investigation leading operator database DMV received a notice which sets out the possible consequences of its prolonged vacations in the workplace.
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