Not married, aggressive and willing to kill: the perpetrators of mass shootings in the United States

The recent history of the United States keeps a huge number of bloody crimes that the security services belong to the category «mass shootings».

The death toll in the hundreds, and the trend indicates the growing frequency of such crimes. Since 2011, the number had tripled, and the massive loss of life in such incidents occur on average every 64 days.

The experts at the Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) for many years led the «execution statistics», trying to identify the portrait of a man who is inclined to commit such crimes. A few studies have analyzed hundreds of mass executions, the result of which specialists found out, who often open fire on innocent people.

Not married, aggressive and willing to kill: the perpetrators of mass shootings in the United States
It single people tend to solve problems by force. Photo: flickr/CC/basicallyadvancedОдинокий white male

In June, the FBI published a report which examined 63 incident in the period from 2000 to 2013. The main goal is to determine who is a threat to the civilian population and prepare to arrange another massacre. It turned out that 94% of shooters are men. This is evidenced by recent statistics collected in 2016-17. During this period, there was 50 mass shootings, and in each one the killer was male.

In addition, the vast majority of criminals were either not married (57%) or were divorced (22%). Thus, lonely people tend to solve problems by force. Also another interesting fact: the arrows are often white males (63%). However, it is worth to mention that the bulk of the US population are representatives of Caucasian race (60%).

Not married, aggressive and willing to kill: the perpetrators of mass shootings in the United States
More than 60% of the murderers had, in his biography of episodes with inappropriate behavior in the workplace. Photo: flickr/CC/webbraininfotech/Aggressive and prone to violence

In addition to belonging to a strong floor and alone, a potential arrow there is another characteristic feature. He easily resorts to violence and is an aggressive behavior. Experts the FBI has found that a third of the offenders (35%), staged mass executions, had previously committed crimes and was convicted.

In addition, more than 60% of the murderers had, in his biography of episodes with inappropriate behavior in the workplace, harassment and bullying of other people. Every fifth shooter resorted to violence against their intimate partner. The experts also came to the conclusion that shortly before committing the mass shooting, the vast majority of criminals are showing signs of inappropriate behaviour.

Another scary statistic: 77% of the gunmen before the attack, spending more than a week planning their actions. On the one hand, it suggests that the police have a chance to stop a potential murderer, but the flip side of the coin is the evidence of careful preparation and cool calculation. This greatly complicates the identification of the offender, as it usually does everything to hide his intentions.

Not married, aggressive and willing to kill: the perpetrators of mass shootings in the United States
A potential murderer sees himself in the role of avenger, which aims to restore justice. Photo: flickr/CC/wheatfields/the Revenge and the murder of loved ones

In July, the U.S. Department of justice published the results of the study, which covered most of the terrorist acts committed in recent years. Into account both the mass shootings and incidents involving explosive devices and vehicles. The results indicate that criminals have common traits regardless of the «tools» that they use to murder a large number of people.

Very often attackers use as the motif of resentment — both personal and generalized (dissatisfaction with the policy of the state to discriminate on racial grounds, etc.). In fact a potential murderer sees himself in the role of avenger, which aims to restore justice.

We should also mention the dissatisfaction with the closest relatives and friends. The analysis of the 160 mass shootings conducted by Everytown says that in 54% of crimes, one of the victims was the person who knew the killer. The reason — disagreements in the family, conflicts on the basis of political, religious or behavioral reasons.

As you can see, most shooters have pronounced features, which can determine its potential willingness to commit massacres. The FBI estimates that are often close people and friends notice negative changes in human behavior. However, they are in no hurry to inform the police, causing a large number of such crimes was not warned in time.

If people are more attentive to their home and attempted to stop threatening developments, hundreds of people could stay alive. So if you see that someone of your friends or family manifests a danger to society behavior, it is better to seek help from professionals.


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