Tinder will no longer be able to charge higher fees people over the age of 30

Tinder will no longer be able to charge higher fees people over the age of 30

The California court ruled that the Dating app Tinder discriminare people on the basis of age. Since then, the company will not be able to take more money from the people who are older than 30 years.

Allan Kandelor filed a lawsuit in February 2016, arguing that price differences Tinder Plus violates the civil rights Act state, which generally prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender, race, sexual orientation and age.

In the course of the trial the representatives of the company assured that they did not want anyone to discriminate against and guided by logical arguments that the older you are, the more the budget. Management believes Tinder users «for 30» can pay for a subscription of $19.99. But the monthly fee for younger customers was $9.99 or $14,99.

The judge of the County of Los Angeles Brian Kerry considered that the arguments of Tinder do not condone the actions of the company. According to Kerry, age is not an indicator of income for the users.

«I hope this decision will be a reminder to all Dating apps and all businesses operating in California to ensure that they did the right thing and just treat all customers equally, regardless of age, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, citizenship, or other personal characteristics», — said the lawyer Candelora Al Rawa.
