The US will allocate $25.8 billion on foreign aid in 2018

December 5, 2017

In 2018 the United States will allocate $25.8 billion recorded on external assistance, according to Thanks to the efforts of more than 20 different government agencies, the United States has traditionally provided assistance to more than 100 countries around the world. Mostly this money goes to humanitarian and medical assistance, the fight against extremism and security. how much money the United States provides to foreign countries? Americans mostly believe…


Obama: politics needs more women

December 5, 2017

During a visit to Paris, held this weekend, Barack Obama made a speech in front of a group of leaders in the sphere of mass media, prominent financiers and scientists, known as Les Napoleons. In his speech, the politician declared that it was time to bring more women to power, «as in these days men can’t seem to handle it alone.» It is reported by news Agency AFP. Although Mr…


Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem: why is it so important?

December 5, 2017

That the U.S. Embassy in Israel should move to Jerusalem has been discussed. Today is the deadline for making a decision on this issue. But why did the President trump is so slow? Perhaps there are hidden risks of such a decision? Try to explain why the move of the American Embassy in that city is so important in this case. What is the problem? Jerusalem is the official capital…