Firefighters accidentally discovered in a residential house Los Angeles illegal drug trade

Firefighters accidentally discovered in a residential house Los Angeles illegal drug trade

On Saturday the staff of the fire Department of Los Angeles accidentally fulfilled the work of the police Department to combat drug trafficking.

At about 11:30 firefighters arrived to a house located in the 6300-block. Langton Avenue, van NUYS, to extinguish the outbreak in the yard car. With this task, they took only 15 minutes, but decided to play it safe and check, did not flame garage adjacent to the Parking place.

Inside them was a surprise — a patch of marijuana, which grew fifty plants. Firefighters reported his find to the police, after which the garage owner received a summons to court.

Under the new law, in a residential area is allowed to grow up to 6 marijuana plants, and in the house of the victim there were 48. However, the would-be Grover was lucky that his house did not caught fire six months earlier — to legalize the use of marijuana for recreational purposes. Until November for such a violation could be put behind bars — but now the offender can get off with administrative punishment or, in the worst case, probation.
