The inhabitant of California found in his bed naked stranger

The inhabitant of California found in his bed naked stranger

After returning from work to his home, a resident of Anderson, Northern California, noticed something suspicious — on the threshold lay open folds of unknown origin, and next to him — building a knife. Once inside, the man was even more surprised — on the table was an open bottle of beer and a half-eaten sandwich that he didn’t leave. In his pack of cigarettes was missing one thing.

The owner of the house lived alone, so it’s not a joke alarmed. As reported in a press release police Department Anderson, he went to the bathroom — there are also found traces of a stranger, it was clear that someone just took a shower, and lay on the floor scattered clothes.

The inhabitant of California found in his bed naked stranger

But the main surprise was waiting for master in the bedroom — in bed sleeping Nude woman, which he saw for the first time.

The surprise came the man does not like — he woke the stranger and called 911. Arrived at the scene, police detained the uninvited guest, which was a 33-year-old Michelle Watkins, of junction city.

For the dramatic entrance and smoked a cigarette she was charged in the burglary. As for Watkins, who has not been to pay a Deposit of 25 thousand dollars, she had to go to prison.

