The mystery of the eyeless monster, discovered after hurricane Harvey, disclosed

The mystery of the eyeless monster, discovered after hurricane Harvey, disclosed

Within a few days, all the Internet community was trying to determine what the unknown eyeless creature thrown on the Texas coast after hurricane Harvey. And after two days of intense discussions, the mystery was solved. The so-called monster had saber-toothed eel.

American biologist Kenneth Tay of the National Museum of natural history, Smithsonian institution suggested that this saber-toothed eel Aplatophis chauliodus. Doubt arose only on the exact species of fish because it can be defined only by the tip of the tail, which the representative is absent.

Many wondered, why this «creature» has no eyes. The biologist explained it simply – the eyeballs had decomposed due to prolonged stay in the water.

It’s scant comfort to find out that this is a Fangtooth Snake-Eel and not an ancient evil space demon.

— The American Caliban (@substitute) November 15, 2017

It is known that the saber-toothed eel usually hides in burrows at depths of 30-90 meters. He probably got out of their usual habitat because of the severe weather.
