The girl squeezed his eyes near the Church

The girl squeezed his eyes near the Church

«If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you» says the gospel (Matt.5:27-30). A young resident of South Carolina took these words as a guide to action.

In front of shocked witnesses, she squeezed my own eyes right next to the building of the temple and stood on his knees, holding them in his hands. When people tried to give the victim the help she desperately began to fight.

Frightening incident occurred on Tuesday morning at the chapel of South Main Chapel and Mercy Center in Anderson. According to a former priest Terry Mitchell, who still managed to get to the girl, in appearance she was 20 years old. Before you deprive yourself of vision, she was trying to hurt himself on a nearby rail.

The staff of the local Sheriff’s office delivered the wounded to the hospital, and she could not harm herself. Now she is in Greenville Memorial hospital in stable condition.
