An unexpected guest: the Museum of new York was discovered coyote

In the State Museum of new York in Albany was discovered an unexpected visitor — a wild coyote. Four-legged guest of companies located in the outer mezzanine fourth floor, but how he got there remains a mystery.

The Museum administration asked for help to the police. Arrived the guards together with veterinarians shot the animal with a tranquilizer, then taken it to the lab for analysis.

The Museum staff suggest that the coyote could get into the building by an underground passage that leads to the hill of the Capitol.

The Museum exhibits the history of the state, which include stuffed local wildlife: coyotes, foxes and wolves. This establishment is frequently visited by groups of tourists and school children.

This year, the coyotes began to annoy the residents of the state of new York. So, in Westchester County in February, there were several attacks coyote (of the same or different, as yet unknown). The animal attacked people with dogs, one dog died, the victims were hospitalized.

