23rd a child died from the heat in a hot car since the beginning of 2018 — he was 3

How many warnings about the threat to the lives of children left in a hot car, nor lets the police deaths still occur with frightening regularity.

Another tragedy happened on 9 July in the town of Springfield (state of Tennessee).

Anita Gibson was mowing the neighbor’s lawn, instructing a 15-year-old grandson to look after the other children left in her care. Arriving home, the woman noticed that the rear gate is open. Anita rushed to search for the children — 3-year-old toddler she found in a locked Honda Accord.

According to the Sheriff’s office Monroe County, the grandmother brought the child into the house and tried to bring to life, but all her attempts were in vain.

About one o’clock on a scene there has arrived police. The boy urgently taken to hospital, but to save him failed.

As reported in the Sheriff’s office, the baby was in the car 35 minutes. According to the National Weather Service (NWS), the day the air temperature reached 86°F (30°C) .

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Charges not yet filed. Militiamen interrogated witnesses.

The kid from Tennessee was the 23rd child who died in hot car since the beginning of 2018 in the United States.

In early June, in Texas such a horrible death died 9-month-old girl, forgotten in the car.
