Parents watched their dying 10-month-old daughter, refusing medical care for religious reasons

Religious parents can be sentenced to life imprisonment, as inactive when their 10-month-old daughter died from malnutrition and dehydration.

Monday, 6 August, 27-year-old Seth Welch and Fusari Tatyana from the city of cedar springs (mi) were charged with a crime and cruel treatment of a child in connection with the recent death of their daughter Mary.

Welch called 911 when she found Mary’s lifeless body in her crib. The autopsy showed that the cause of death of the baby was malnutrition and dehydration because of neglect on the part of adults.

According to court documents, the parents decided to seek medical help for her daughter for fear that they will have to call child protective services, lack of trust in medical services, and religious reasons.

During interrogation, the couple admitted that a month before the tragedy of their daughter looked skinny and weighs little for his age.

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Posted by Seth Welch on Thursday, February 1, 2018

The couple is very religious, so Welch devotes regularly posts on his page at Facebook the subject. Not long ago he wrote: «the Righteous shall live by faith. It is God who has power over diseases and such things and, in the end, over death.»

In another message dedicated to non-vaccination of children, he wrote: «shouldn’t we let the weak die and the strong survive?».

The couple have two children aged 2 and 4 years old who are not vaccinated. Now they are grandparents. Likely, the defendant is pregnant with a fourth child.

Seth Welch and Tatiana Fusari can spend in prison for life without the right to parole, if convicted of a criminal offence. A couple not posted bail. The next hearing in their case will take place on 20 August.
