The father was so fascinated by the game that I forgot to turn off the water in the bathroom and actually killed 5-month-old son

The tragic incident occurred in the city of Tarrant (Alabama). The young father I feel so strongly about a computer game that he forgot about the little son, who at that time was in the bath. Because of the irresponsibility of men, the child drowned, and arrived on the scene, the doctors failed to save him.

It all happened last Sunday, when 23-year-old Cordarius cotton was in his house with three children. The young man intended to redeem the 5-month-old baby and this put him in the tub. Opening the water, the guy decided to «get distracted» and sat down for a video game. The boy’s grief-the father remembered only an hour later.

The father was so fascinated by the game that I forgot to turn off the water in the bathroom and actually killed 5-month-old son
The father of 5-month-old baby was arrested. He did not conceal the circumstances of the death of the child and told the police everything. Photo: Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office

When cotton went to the bathroom, he saw that the child is unconscious. He called the paramedics, who was urgently taken the baby to the nearest medical facility. Unfortunately, doctors were unable to save the child and soon declared him dead. At the time of the tragedy the mother was not at home. She found out about his son’s death from the police, who also arrived on the scene.

The father of 5-month-old baby was arrested. He did not conceal the circumstances of the death of the child and told the police everything. He was charged with gross negligence, which led to the death of a person. Two other children were sent to my grandmother, who will soon be looking after them.

Cordarius Cotton posted bail in the amount of $15 million As money for the man so far nobody has made, he is still behind bars. Also it is unknown whether the suspect’s lawyer. The police believe that the death of the kid was not a deliberate action, and the circumstances described would-be father, true.
