Woman killed mother and wanted to bury her in a grave behind the house

Terrible event occurred in the state of Washington, where a resident of Vancouver killed his mother and then tried to cover their tracks. This killer wanted to dig a grave in the backyard. However the criminal has not calculated own forces and several hours later, physically exhausted.

The incident occurred September 26 when the 50-year-old It Miller Wilbur once again quarreled with her mother. However, the conflict escalated into assault, and in the midst of the altercation, the woman struck 75-year-old Carol Hardin a few blows to the head. From the injuries her cousin died on the spot.

Woman killed mother and wanted to bury her in a grave behind the house
The incident occurred September 26 when the 50-year-old It Miller Wilbur once again quarreled with her mother. Photo: KATU

When Wilbur realized what happened and are unable to find a pulse in the mother, then decided to cover up the crime. She began to dig the backyard grave, intending there to bury the victim of a family scandal. In the end, the criminal has refused this idea, because it did not have enough forces to perform excavation work.

Realizing that to avoid punishment will fail, Wilbur went to the neighbors and called the police. Arrived on the scene, the officers immediately took her into custody, and the mother’s body was sent for analysis to doctors. During the preliminary hearing committed the murder, a woman said that sincerely repents and asks to assign it as a sentence of the death penalty.

«I ask the death penalty, lethal injection! Please! The court does not want to keep me alive, and I also don’t want it,» exclaimed the suspect.

As a restrictive measure, the court placed Usenko Wilbur under arrest by assigning a pledge of $500 thousand Prosecutors insisted on a larger sum, saying that the woman is a danger to society. Now the court understands the history of relations between mothers and daughters, as their conflict lasted a few years old, and Wilbur was even forbidden to approach the mother.


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