Topless girl twice in one day broke the roof of the restaurant

The night before Halloween for sure will be long remembered one of the restaurants in Tennessee. The fact that evening the same young (and Topless) woman twice fell through the ceiling of the restaurant.

An amazing incident occurred in a fast food restaurant Cook Out, located on East Stone Drive in Kingsport (Tennessee).

The police called the restaurant staff. Around 22 PM, they heard the roar and discovered that the ceiling in the kitchen of the institution is partially broken. The break was sticking out the leg.

As it turned out, the leg belonged to a certain Harley K. Morton, 26-the summer local resident. Unfortunately, the police report does not answer the main question: why did the girl even climbed onto the roof of the restaurant?

Anyway, when the police themselves went on the roof, Harley has managed to pull his leg, and later — to fall through the ceiling again. Now fully. The police also mentioned that the girl was half-naked.

Fortunately, no one was hurt — including herself Harley Morton. She was arrested for vandalism and lewd behavior and taken to the city jail Kingsport.
