Ian David long: what is known about the California arrow at the moment

Until the police find out that pushed the 28-year-old Ian David Longa a massacre at the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand oaks, Facebook users were bombarded with angry messages to the page his mother Colleen long.

Before the account was deleted, anyone could comment on the posts women. In a short time it threw charges in the tragedy. At the same time, many people left words of condolence and support.

«Sorry for your loss and persecution to which you subjected the trolls-haters. Hold on,» wrote one user.

Ian David long lived with the mother. As told reporters the neighbors, the woman suffered due to erratic and disturbing behavior of her son, and friends and acquaintances called him «strange».

Visit Colin got some pictures with Ian. So, in 2010-2011, she posted pictures of her son in uniform.

«My son at home, then like to [go] to Hawaii, for January in Cali, yay!» she wrote 14 Dec 2012.

Ian David long: what is known about the California arrow at the moment
Page mother of Ian David Longa on LinkedIn

As reported by the Ventura County Sheriff Geoff Dean, Ian long, a former marine, twice involved in military mission in Afghanistan, suffers from post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSS), as many combatants, especially the younger generation.

From 4 August 2008 to 2 March 2013 long served as a machine gunner in the marine Corps of the United States. 1 Aug 2011 he was promoted to corporal. The young man received many awards, including the distinguished service medal.

According to Julia Hanson, a neighbor of the longs, Ian was «strange» and «disrespectful» before left home 10 years ago, got married and entered the military service.

is this #DavidIanLong #IanLong? #californiashooting #ThousandOaks pic.twitter.com/EOGw5Uf8ol

— Stop Hate in the USA! (@StopHateintheUS) November 8, 2018

Julia often heard it shouted and swore, and in April of this year because of the crashing and shouting they with the husband had to call the police.

«I was worried, because he knew that he was in the army,» said Tom Hanson during a search in the house long, over the garage which was decorated with the American flag.

«It seemed that he demolished the walls of the house — as if thrashed at the walls, a big hammer,» said Hanson KTLA.

According to Sheriff Dean arrived at the challenge, the mental health professional did not qualify long as a person who may harm themselves or others, so then the young man was detained.

Before long Ian was twice dealing with the police. In 2015 he was involved in an accident and in the same year has addressed in police with the statement about his brutal beating at the bars, Thousand-oxa. (Not where long did the shooting on 7 November.)

Blake Winnett, neighbor Longa, also called him «strange». «He was constantly locked in my room,» he told the New York Post Bennett Long. But once he saw, as he returned from the gym, Ian turned the music on in the garage and began to dance. In the popular among students Borderline Bar and Grill, the young man often says Winnett.
