«I’m coming»: in the network appeared the recording of the conversation police radio chatter during the shooting in Virginia beach

The first reports of the shooting may 31 in the municipal complex, Public Works came to the police Virginia beach at 16:08. The Manager was on the radio:

«One wounded — gunshot wound, 2405 Courthouse Drive, building 2. The caller provides assistance to the man near the house 2».

It became known later that the gunfire near the building opened 40 years Dewain Craddock, who worked as an engineer in the complex for 15 years. Opening fire, he went inside.

Three minutes after the first message, the four officers in plain clothes came running to the scene from the area, located only 90 metres.

«Which building is the 2nd building?» — asks one of them, according to audio recordings.

«Operating body», — says the other COP.

The Manager confirms that the shooting continues.

«You know, where’s the shooter?» — asks one of the officers, whose voice agitated and trembling. Without waiting for a reply he says: «I go».

«The shooter on the second floor,» heard said another police officer. «10-4, shots, second floor.»

Police Identify Victims In Virginia Beach Shooting:

Katherine Nixon
Richard Nettleton
Laquita Brown
Tara Welch Gallagher
Alexander Mikhail Gusev
Christopher Kelly Rapp
Ryan Keith Cox
Mary Louise Gayle
Joshua A. Hardy
Michelle Langer
Robert Williams
Herbert Snelling

(KVOA) pic.twitter.com/wSi3pMW0Xl

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) June 1, 2019

As a result, the officers find Craddock on the landing between the second and third floor.

«Officer down! Officer down!», on recording you can hear screams COP.

«Isolated between the second and third floors,» — says the Manager to the other units. «The Eastern side of the stairs.»

Meanwhile, other officers reported «numerous victims» on the third floor.

«We are on the third floor, with the citizens, we have a few victims in region 385, the alpha,» says the officer.

«I have six victims, says another. — There is one survivor.»

When the shooting stopped.

«For the last time there were no shots — where is the shooter?» — asks the policeman.

Another asks everyone to be quiet, to hear of Craddock.

«We need to all not to clog the channel,» adds another.

After some time of silence, at 16:41 now, some of the officers said: «He’s on the other side. He’s on the ground».

At 16:43, when another police officer said about the dead or dying arrow: «Suspect in custody».

Why Craddock did the shooting

Despite the bravery and quick response of law enforcement, nobody still can’t answer why Craddock shot the colleagues with whom he worked for many years.

Virginia Beach Shooter DeWayne Craddock pic.twitter.com/YTXOsyPOIS

— ✖stevex5_🍥 (@stevex3t) June 1, 2019

According to a source in the government of Virginia, Craddock was a «disgruntled employee» Public Works.

Joseph Scott, who worked with the shooter for several years, saw him that day. He said the suspect was brushing my teeth in the bathroom, as usual, and wished him a good day. Scott considered him a «good man.»

Neighbor Craddock, Cassetti Heverin, said that he was not sleeping at night, but mostly was fine.

The parents of the suspect told CNN that they didn’t know about the issues of the son with the employer. They left on the front door a note, in which he offered condolences to the victims and their families.
