17-year-old girl from Florida stole a Bank card parents tried to hire a Hitman and kill them

17-year-old resident of Florida Alyssa Hatcher used the stolen debit card of their parents, trying to pay someone to kill them.

According to the Sheriff’s office of lake County, a friend of the girl reported the crime, saying that Alissa had paid a lot of money to their common friend, that he killed her mother and father.

The Bank confirmed that the teenager recently used a stolen card, the parents to withdraw the $500 from the ATM and send someone a $926.40 on PayPal. Parents Alissa reported stolen card and fraudulent transactions to the police Department of Umatilla Sunday, September 8.

It turned out that the girl’s mother discovered her debit card missing from her purse at her house. She later found her and a piece of paper with information about her Bank account written by the hand of his daughter.

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Alissa admitted to deputies that for $100 she bought cocaine, and then gave the remaining $400 to a friend that he killed her parents. Then again, she gave $900 to a man (unknown to the same or another) for the murder of the relatives.

September 9, the girl was arrested on two counts of murder.
