In the eyes of students who played Pokémon Go, there was a robbery. Criminals «in cold blood» murdered her while trying to escape

The student who played Pokémon Go around the Park in the Albuquerque (new Mexico), was shot after she witnessed the robbery.

Kyle Campos, 21, and her boyfriend Sidney had stayed close to Bianchetti Park on Friday evening, October 18, to, as always, to play on the way home. Then Campos noticed in the area of the Park two people — and, looking closely, realized that they were robbing parked near the driver. The girl immediately turned the car, trying to leave, but the robbers saw her and shot several times in the car. One of the bullets hit the girl in the neck.

Kyle barely managed to drive off from the scene, before crashed into an empty building. The girl died from his wounds almost immediately.

According to friends, Kayla was very close to home when killed. Every night they guy did a little detour and returning home, drove past the Park to play Pokemon Go on their mobile.

The next day the girl’s father, Carl Campos, left a touching Facebook post dedicated to his daughter.

«Last night we lost our sweet Kyle. writes Campos — shot, cold-bloodedly murdered in Albuquerque».

«Everyone who knew her understands how special she was. You’re always in my heart sweetheart. No idea how to live without you.»

Cousin Campos placed another post in which he called her «stunning, kind and caring» «a sister that [she’s] always dreamed of».

«I’m shocked, I’m upset, I’m furious and I want her to be near. — says the girl — to Say that my heart is broken — nothing to say. We had shared a lot of adventures».

To date, in the case of the robbery and murder of Campos still no suspects. Police have appealed to local residents for help in identifying potential burglars.
