The man reacted instantly – and saved from death by a dog whose leash was dragged up leaving Elevator (video)

A doctor from Florida Mohammad Awad has entered a new, 2020-th year, a real hero – he saved a neighbor’s dog from death.

A doctor from Tampa Bay just finished his shift, drove to the parents who have already passed him a plate of food and returned to his home. He went to the lobby of an apartment building just at the right time.

«My neighbor came out of the Elevator with his dog, and as soon as it came out, I saw that the leash is still inside of the Elevator door,» said Awad CNN.

His brother shared the shooting with the cameras on his page in Facebook. It is the shocking footage of the Elevator began to rise to the top floor.

«It was as if in slow motion and at the same time, very rapidly, — said the man. – I saw a dog soared into the air, and I rushed to her.»

In the video Awad throws his plate of food and rushes to the Elevator, where the dog is already up in the air and went higher and higher.

«I tried to break the leash from the first attempt, and it didn’t work. I just couldn’t do it,» said Mohammad Awad.

He fell backwards, jumped up and tried again.

According to the doctor, he heard the dog whimpering and makes wheezing sounds, and understood that she was to live for only a few seconds.

But finally, it happened – the leash unbuckled and intact dog fell to the floor.

«I re-watched the video and did not believe that it is I,» said the man, adding that he hopes pet owners will continue to closely monitor the pet in the Elevator to prevent such situations.
