Paraglider a few hours hanging on a power line in California

In Northern California paraglider three hours hung on the line of high-voltage wires after a crash landing. Utilities were forced to disconnect the line, as a result remained without electricity for 4500 people.

According to Fox News, Wednesday, February 19, rescue services found hanging on wires paraglider in a residential area Olivehurst, located 65 miles from Sacramento. The man was conscious and communicated with arrived on the scene the rescue brigade, but he had hung for several hours until the police managed to remove him from the wires.

During the rescue operation of the local service utility cut electricity to more than 4,500 people, as rescuers were forced to wait until the voltage in the wires will eventually weaken.

«Our main goal was to make him understand that he needs to stay in contact with the aircraft, rather than trying to reach over and touch us or move so that the glider remained motionless, and could not fall.» said fire battalion Chief Randy York.

Around 20:15 the two firefighters managed to lower the man to the ground, and later the rescuers withdrew the glider and repaired the line. The utility had restored electricity to most residents of the area.
