Police said about a lion roaming the streets of the city. It turned out to be a dog

Spanish police have received numerous call with reports that a lion is roaming the streets of the city Molina de Segura. Fortunately, when the police found a wild beast, he was a lost dog.

The police wrote on its official Twitter account, where a post has gained wide popularity and has gained nearly 7,000 likes.

Se han recibido esta mañana varios avisos de alertando que habían visto suelto por la zona de un león huerta 🦁, otros un bicho extraño, pero finalmente le hemos pasado el lector de microchip y ha resultado ser un perro…🐕. Identificando a su titular. pic.twitter.com/O5k6ZClX9a

— Policia Local Molina de Segura (@MolinaPolicia) March 7, 2020

Monday, March 9, officers of the police Molina de Segura finally found the scared citizens of a lion that was a dog with a very unusual haircut. Fortunately, the police confirmed that the dog is healthy and they managed to return it to the owner.

However, there are cases when real wild animal roamed the streets of the city near residential areas. In the Californian city of Monrovia several times appeared a bear, which was dug in the local trash cans in search of food. The case when the beast is really difficult to confuse with a dog.
