Firefighters rescued the driver, whose hand was stuck in the trunk of a car

The brave firefighters not only fight fire and save people from burning houses — sometimes they have to rescue people from less dangerous, but still unpleasant situations. Such as the incident that happened with a man from Britain, when the fire brigade helped him to remove a stuck hand out of the trunk of the car.

The fire brigade of the city of Kustom came to the aid of the man whose hand stuck in the trunk of his car when he tried to change a light bulb in the back of the headlamp. The man, whose identity was not disclosed, stuck his hand into the hole in the trunk where the taillight of the car, writes Fox News.

«Our team of rescuers rendered humanitarian assistance to the gentleman, when his hand stuck in the hole from car lights during maintenance.» — wrote about the incident representatives of the fire service Kutsaka.

Firefighters were forced to drill the trunk lid to save the man from the trap, which escaped with minor injuries. The rest of the details of salvation were not disclosed.
