The girl died six months after drinking through a straw boiling water

The girl died six months after drinking through a straw boiling water

Eight-year-old Chiari Pope from Boynton Beach, FL, died a few months later after a dispute drank boiled water through a straw.

This was reported in the Department for children and families of Florida.

The girl died six months after drinking through a straw boiling water

The incident with the boiling water happened in March. Cousin Chiari asked her to prove his courage and drink on a dare through a straw scalding water. The girl had to do a tracheotomy due to the burns. Authorities suggest that after the child was neglected and was not taken to the hospital, with the result that he had chronic respiratory problems.

Recently Chiari told the family that «can’t breathe», she was hospitalized, but to save the girl failed.

The police and the Department for children and families of Florida will investigate this tragedy, reports the Palm Beach Post.

The fact that from the moment of birth Chiari family nine times subjected to investigations related to neglect and domestic violence.
«Our condolences to all who loved this child,» said Secretary Mike Carroll. «We will examine all the circumstances surrounding the girl’s death».
