Refugees in America are waiting for tightened inspection

Refugees in America are waiting for tightened inspection

The administration trump is considering the tightening of the vetting process for the women and children wishing to enter the United States to the status of refugees.

If the offer is accepted, it will bring the process of verification of women and children to the verification procedures adult men.

Refugees in America are waiting for tightened inspection

Reuters said three sources familiar with the plan of the presidential administration.

This option can slow down the reception of migrants even after the 120-day prohibition for the majority of refugees, which was signed by trump.

Recall that a rigid immigration policy was one of the main tenets of the campaign trump, and after winning the election he quickly issued temporary bans on the admission of migrants from some countries of the Middle East and Africa. These decrees have begun too late to block the us courts.

Currently, the refugees undergo several levels of review, depending on the perceived risk they can carry. So, Syrian migrant workers are waiting for additional verification.

However, women and minor children do not test as much as, mainly, the risks associated with men who may be members of al-Qaeda or ISIS. But, sources say Reuters, soon this may change, and then the procedure for women and children would be close to that which are adult men.

According to the State Department of almost 85 thousand refugeeswho came to the States in 2016, about 72% are women and children. On average, the validation of migrants take 18 to 24 months.
