The house of representatives voted to authorize concealed carry of weapons

The house of representatives voted to authorize concealed carry of weapons

On Wednesday, the House of representatives voted for an official permit to concealed carry weapons. This means that every American, in the case of the adoption of the law will be able to carry a firearm, concealing it under clothing, in a bag or other things, and it does not need a separate permit (license) of the relevant authorities. For the possibility of concealed carry weapons voted 231 Senator (all Republicans and 6 Democrats) voted against 198 democratic senators.

The bill’s sponsor, Republican Richard Hudson has taken the initiative to enshrine the right to concealed carry weapons for all Americans for many years. He said: «Despite the frightening version of developments from opponents of the bill, the owners of legal weapons, wearing it hidden, as a group, were more law-abiding than the population in General and even the police.»

The house of representatives voted to authorize concealed carry of weapons

The vote on the bill was more than successful with large-scale support of officials at various levels. The bill was supported by 213 co-sponsors and 24 of the attorney General of the States and the national rifle Association.

Hudson stated that the law will be a «Christmas present» for the owners of legal weapons.

However, the Hudson’s optimism is not shared by all. Most Democrats opposed the adoption of the law. The representative of the Democratic party Jane Dougherty, whose sister, a teacher, was killed in a shooting in primary school Sandy Hook in 2012, said: «This bill would weaken laws that I worked so hard».

In protest against the General permits for carrying concealed weapons before the House of representatives gathered demonstrators. People claimed that the new law even more «untie the hands» of criminals.

Richard Hudson hastened to assure the protesters that the norms and rules of control and verification of persons receiving a license for the weapon will not change, so the new law will not affect its availability and will not cause increase in circulation of illegal weapons.
