In Texas, convicted of murder demands to cancel death sentence as «racist»

In Texas, convicted of murder demands to cancel death sentence as «racist»

64-year-old William Raiford sentenced to lethal injection in Texas it asks the court to cancel the penalty due to the fact that «the process was racist.»

In the evening 30 Jan Of raeford was to be executed for murder the former mistress, which he did in 1999, five years after parole from prison where he served time for the murder of his wife.

In Texas, convicted of murder demands to cancel death sentence as «racist»

The lawyers argue that the trial defendants were «tainted», as the Prosecutor in 2000, called race, which belongs to rayford, a factor of violence, and in addition, introduced the expert, who claimed that «people like Mr. Raeford — skinned, are more prone to violence.» The defense also requests to take into account the fact that the defendant grew up in an area contaminated by toxic waste, resulting in suffered from a brain disease due to lead poisoning.

Assistant attorney General of Texas Jefferson Clendenin challenged the assertion of counsel, stating that the testimony of witnesses is not a word that African American more prone to violence, the Associated Press reports.

In 1999, William Raiford came home to his former mistress Carol Lynn Thomas Hall. Between them, a quarrel broke out. According to the testimony of Carol’s son Benjamin, who was then 11 years old, rayford hit the boy with a knife, goalwarded lung then grabbed his mother and dragged to the backyard, to the sewage pipe. There was found the body of Carol. The woman was strangled, her body was bruised and incised wounds; her blood was found on William Raeford.

In 1986, Raiford had already been sentenced to 23 years of imprisonment for the murder of his wife Gail, to which the court has forbidden to approach. After 8 years, the murderer was released in accordance with Texas law authorizing the parole of certain prisoners from overcrowded prisons.

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— CraftsVideo Inc. (@craftsvideoinc) January 30, 2018

This week in Texas to execute another inmate. Thursday, February 1, lethal injection will enter the 62-year-old John David Battaglia of Dallas’ killed in 2001 two young daughters.
