Today the Supreme court will begin consideration Affairs about travel-bath trump

The administration of President trump today, April 25, will defend in the Supreme court of the United States , the legality of the travel ban.

We are talking about the ban on entry into the United States, nationals from several Muslim countries.

This is the third version of one of the most controversial decisions that Donald trump is trying to implement from January 2017. If approved by the court entering the United States will be forbidden to most citizens of Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen. Chad was on the list from September 2017, while trump has not removed it from there April 10, 2018.

One of the parties in the case is the state of Hawaii, claiming that the travel ban violates Federal immigration law and the U.S. Constitution.

During the presidential campaign, Donald trump insisted on the need for such a ban to protect the American people from Islamic terrorists.

It is noteworthy that Venezuela and North Korea are also included in the list of the countries travel ban, but the ban against their citizens in court is not disputed.

It is expected that the Supreme court will decide by the end of June.
