The U.S. Supreme court permitted the authorities of Ohio, to exclude people from the voter lists

The controversial law that would allow the state «Horse chestnut» to clean the electoral registry of inactive citizens, resumed its action. It happened after the U.S. Supreme court (Supreme Court of the United States) reversed the lower court decision. Supreme court felt that this ruling does not violate Federal law in 1993prohibiting the deletion of voters from the rolls because of their failure to vote.

Human rights organizations believe that thus management of the state infringes on the rights of minorities and disadvantaged segments of the population. In addition, according to activists, the law of «clean up the electoral registry» gives an unfair advantage to the representatives of the Republican party in the election. This is due to the fact that the Democrats, as a rule, have broad support among the poor and the LGBT community.

According to the electoral politics of the state of Ohio, if a citizen does not vote for 2 years, for his address to send a written warning. If over the next 4 years the person does not respond to this notification and not appearing on the election rule of the voter list. Team Donald trump supports such a policy and States that this system will allow you to clean the registry from the so-called «dead souls«.

However, this scheme is, who people called «Use or lose» (Use it or lose it), according to lawyers, has obvious disadvantages. Experts say the law violates the voting right of a US citizen, since anyone can vote, when it considers necessary. In addition, human rights lawyers noted that Americans overwhelmingly do not respond to the written notification of the authorities.
