In California, proposed to start the academic day at school after 8.30

The California Senate on the last day of the session, August 31, voted for dozens of bills. One of them requires middle and senior state schools not to start classes before 8.30 am.

According to statistics from the Centers for control and prevention of diseases (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — CDC), lack of sleep negatively affects the quality of life of schoolchildren-they have overweight, frequent depression, increased risk of alcohol and drug addiction. Meanwhile, 42 States, including California, reported that 75-100% of their schools in 2011-2012 started classes before the recommended time. The average time to the start of classes at 39.7 thousand U.S. schools that participated in the study, amounted to 8.03 in the morning.

By adopting the CDC recommendations, the authors of the bill SB328 decided to make all the students slept the recommended number of hours (8-10 hours), thanks to the harmonious development both mentally and physically, and also demonstrated good academic success. However, opponents of the supporters of this act are reminded that the start time of the lesson should be determined by local school boards, not the state.

California legislators passed a bill SB328 was sent to the Governor for approval. If Jerry brown will sign it, educational institutions will have within 3 years to align with their schedule and curriculum.

The bill will not apply to schools in the townships and will not affect the length of the school day.

However, an early rise is not the only problem students California. In recent years, among them gaining momentum is a dangerous game — «signicance».
