The prisoner has asked to die in the electric chair, calling it «the lesser of two evils»

Edmund’s Wife from Tennessee, which recently should be executed and asked to do it with the use of the electric chairand not lethal injection, calling the first method the «lesser of two evils.»

This was reported by Kelly Henry, a lawyer of the prisoner.

«Standing before the choice between two methods of execution, Mr. Sagorsky felt that the electric chair is the lesser of two evils. 10-18 minutes three-phase injection cause people immense pain,» said the lawyer.

In Tennessee sentenced to death if their crimes were committed before January 1999, you can choose which method they will be deprived of life.

Edmund’s Wife was sentenced to death in 1984 for a double murder. In April 1983 he shot 2 men and then slit their throats while the sale of drugs.

Tennessee is one of 9 States that permit the penalty in the electric chair. However, since 2000 only 14 of 871 prisoners were executed by this method.

The last execution in the electric chair in Tennessee took place in 2007.
