Methods of poultry slaughter in the USA horrendously inhumane — according to journalists

The Bureau of investigative journalism with the Guardian examined the test logs the U.S. Department of agriculture (USDA) and analyzed the records relating to cases of inhuman treatment of poultry at slaughterhouses, and came to some scary conclusions. The slaughterhouse, compared with firms beating a bird look just a celebration of mercy. Birds, including chickens, EN masse, freeze to death, suffocate to death, boiled alive.

Methods of poultry slaughter in the USA horrendously inhumane — according to journalistscc/USDA

The USDA reports clearly falls not all the rules are fixed only cases that resulted in the suffering of six or more birds, and by and large, only those in which you cannot avoid publicity. But even in this truncated form the numbers may shock. Only in one incident in January froze to death 34 000 chickens left overnight in the truck. Cases of such freezing are not uncommon, and are the most common. Because of failures in the organization of the massacre, any queue, the trucks are not always equipped in a special way. Therefore, in the second place, when thousands had died in the same car from the heat. Due to failure of the conveyor uncommon for chickens pour on top of each other and suffocate or are crushed under the weight of other Chicks. Also critical are many cases when the bird fell in the scalding tank conscious and died, drowned in boiling water. In all cases, painful inhumane method of killing was associated with failures of equipment, and inadequate staff training.

Methods of poultry slaughter in the USA horrendously inhumane — according to journalistscc/USDA

Those accidents which were recorded in journals by the USDA, mainly resulted in the courses of additional training for staff, but no plant closures or other severe penalties. The animal protection Institute (AWI) explain that «the USDA requires humane slaughter rules, but they apply only to «livestock,» which the U.S. government considers separate from «poultry». There are guidelines for «good business practice», but they are mostly voluntary and not enforced. The Ministry of agriculture of the USA is not obliged to take any actions against companies that violate these rules, in addition to reporting». And this means that for businesses such excesses is not a problem, and they are not willing to spend money on prevention.

Methods of poultry slaughter in the USA horrendously inhumane — according to journalistscc/USDA

«However, birds that died with approved methods of slaughter, for example, froze to death, are considered «adulterated» and cannot be sold as meat — the authors believe the investigation. — If some Chicks will drown in the scalding tank and will not get in the tank already unconscious, it can be a ground to hold that the company «lost control of its process.» Then the plant needs to take action and fix the problem, and if they do not, the Ministry of agriculture of the United States may close the plant or to prevent the sale of his product,» according to the report of the Bureau of investigative journalism and intend to pursue changes in legislation to bring the rules of slaughter to the same standards that slaughter. The inhumane method of killing poultry, for example, one of the points on which imposed a ban on import of poultry meat from the United States, the European Union, where there are more humane rules.
