Shameful: US illegal immigrant who was tried for the murder of Kate Stangl, found not guilty

The jury recognized josé inés garcía zárate not guilty on any of the charges in the case of death of 32-year-old Kate Steinel, who received a mortal wound at the pier in San Francisco. This case became widely known after the President of the United States Donald trump used it as an argument to strengthen the fight against illegal immigration.

According to the video footage of the incident July 1, 2015, Zarate sat on the pier until Steinl and her family were walking nearby. Prosecutors argued that Zarate was playing «Russian roulette», as was holding the gun and spun on the bench. But the lawyers denied this. They said the man just picked up wrapped in a scarf object from the ground, not knowing what a gun is. Then the weapon accidentally went off in his hands and a stray bullet hit Stanl in the back.

Zarate then threw the gun into the water and started to walk away. On the question of the detectives why he did it, Zarate replied: «If I did, he would have continued to shoot.»

Ballistics expert confirmed that the fatal bullet bounced from the ground on the rebound. The gun belonged to the officer of the Bureau of land management and was stolen.

In 2017, the jury recognized Zarate, who is an illegal immigrant from Mexico, is not guilty of manslaughter and assault with a firearm. Even then the decision aroused a storm of criticism from conservative experts and President of the trump.

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On Friday, August 30, the 1st district court of appeal of California overturned a conviction for possession of a firearm. The result zárate does not pass on any criminal charge, but is still in custody. He faced Federal charges in the case, including that he unlawfully in the U.S. a foreigner, owned a gun.
