Employee school of new York was charged with rape of 15-year-old student

An employee of the Charter school of new York, 34-year-old grace Trinidad, who was the head of the disciplinary Department at New Visions Advanced Math and Science High School, was accused of raping a 15-year-old student.

According to the New York Daily News, the woman approached a teenager and eventually invited him to his house in the South Bronx. The police said that Trinidad and the student kissed and engaged in oral sex during movies.

Detectives have warned about the abuse when the boy and another classmate told the principal about this situation.

Grace Trinidad Geplaatst door op Zondag 19 mei 2019

Trinidad was arrested at his home on Tuesday, October 22. Her case is pending in the criminal court of the Bronx.

Students say that the charges are a surprise to them, and the neighbors called the woman a wonderful person.

In the Daily News it was reported that the school opened in 2011 and it educates nearly 500 students. According to them, the city has eight Charter schools.
