The father claimed that ex-wife made their 7-year-old son to wear dresses and call himself a girl is demanding full custody. The jury opposed

A jury in Texas spoke out against father, seeking sole custody of seven-year-old son and demanded that he stop calling himself a girl. The man claimed that his ex-wife is manipulating the child, forcing him to wear dresses and «imposing» gender transition.

Jeff Younger and his ex-wife Ann Georgelas for more than a month fighting for custody of his son James and his brother Jude. After a week of the meeting, the jury determined that the boy’s mother needs to get over them full custody. It also means that the Younger will not have the right to forbid a child to undergo hormone therapy in the future if he wants to change sex.

Georgoulas, a practicing pediatrician, said that James is a transgender girl who wants to wear dresses and attend school under the name of the Moon. Former husband of Anne, in turn, does not believe that the child has gender dysphoria, and believes that James the just «confused.» A man has launched an online campaign called Save James in an attempt to prevent his son to have a sex change — being able to collect donations for the $40 thousand for attorney fees.

Georgoulas and Younger were married in 2010, being at that time members of the Orthodox Church. In 2012, the couple gave birth to twins a few years later, they annulled the marriage and when the woman visited with the son of a psychologist specializing in gender issues, it is between former spouses was violent conflict.

Last year Georgoulas filed a request to the court demanding that the Younger turned to the son named Moon. She reported that it had consulted with several specialists after he noticed that James often asks to buy him toys for girls and wants to wear dresses. Experts diagnosed the boy with gender dysphoria, suggesting a smooth transition: to allow the child to identify himself with the Moon.

In response, the Younger filed their own request, stating that he wants to get full custody of the twins — and marked the beginning of a protracted trial.

During the process, the Younger have repeatedly claimed that his ex-wife imposed on child gender transition and manipulated him ever since, as James turned 3 years old. According to the man, she locked the son in the bedroom, said «monsters only eat boys», forced to wear dresses, «dressing up as a drag Queen».

Younger also compared the behavior of the ex-wife of sexual violence and said that the baby «refuses to wear dresses» when living with him under one roof — although, Georgoulas, in turn, said that the child is afraid of his father and decided to dress up like a girl in his presence.

The judge will make the final decision on the case on Thursday, October 24.
