Unknown put up for sale newborn for $500, and «in addition we give free» his 4-year-old sister

A newborn baby was trying to sell for $500, as follows from a shocking ad on the website Craigslist.

Police are searching for the person standing behind the ad, which offered to sell the child and promises free «attach» 4-year-old sister of a newborn.

As reported by the news newspaper the Miami Herald, the mysterious person behind the ad, put up for sale a 2-week-old baby along with baby food and clothing in the Miami-Dade County, Florida, United States.

«Absolutely sell newborn baby for $500,» — said in the ad, which was subsequently removed. «Baby is 2 weeks. He’s sleeping, no noise at night. You will also receive baby food and clothes. Can give you 4-year-old sister of the baby for free.»

Last Friday, immediately after it was exposed that announcement, law Enforcement, Department of Florida began an investigation, confirmed a representative of the Department. Authorities are trying to establish, does someone really sell the baby or is it just a bad joke.

Enforcement Department of Florida has not yet responded to the request of the media to comment on the case.

Agents interviewed the woman they suspected that she might be behind the ad, but she denies to him his communion.

The police said that in order to track down the person who filed the Declaration can be used in the computer record.

Presumably a wanted person is working for the Florida Department of Children and Families and claims lives in «a quiet wealthy neighborhood.» Despite the essence of the ads, the person said that «do not want to be judged for not wanting to take care of these children.»

Interesting that over the past 10 years there have been many cases when adults were trying to sell children.

For example, in 2011, a resident of Miami Kenya Biala Bosque tried to sell 8-month-old son familiar to the man in the Florida Keys. The woman lost custody of the children and spent 180 days.

A man from Staten island wanted to sell 2-month-old daughter of his girlfriend for $100 on Craigslist in 2013 to avenge the fact that she didn’t pay any attention to him.

And in 2015, a resident of Dallas, and Elaine Williams tried to buy a baby for 14-year-old daughter by placing a notice. She later told the police that he placed the ad because «her daughter wanted a child and would get it with her help or without, because she decided to help.»
