«Crazy» bride pursued a wedding photographer who refused to pay for their images

The bride usually pays the photographer, if he wants to work on her wedding day but one bride decided that everything should be Vice versa. No spoilers, but it ended in a few arrests.

As told by a member of the Reddit group I Am The Asshole, his girlfriend got married last week and were looking for a photographer for the ceremony. A few months before the big day, the girl turned to him, but with a very strange proposal. According to men, the bride demanded that he paid the pair $50 for the opportunity to come to the wedding and take pictures, which are then able to sell to the guests — that «everyone could earn».

«Of course, I politely refused, — says the man — but offered to take pictures if I pay $50 — though it is far below the usual rates. She immediately burst into tears and about an hour throwing accusations and concluded his tirade by saying that I am a «bad friend.»

Then it gets worse. According to the photographer, he has thrown the incident out of my head when he suddenly started calling friends with the bride’s relatives, accusing them of «selfishness» and attempts «to thwart the wedding.» The man decided that it would be easier to give up, making pictures of the gift — but the bride continued to demand that he should pay.

«I called dozens of times a day, send hundreds of messages. Someone stopped by the house at least once a day — and it was starting to seriously scare. <…> In the end, I said that will do and pay the day of the wedding, but actually had already decided not to come.»

For the next 3 weeks the man was left alone — and when the big day finally came, he just stayed home. Of course, the midday calls with messages resumed.

The bride sent a message with the galactic speed, demanding «give her money» and stating that he «messed up.» Her example was followed by other guests, and at some point, even came to the girl’s father, having begun to beat on the door.

According to the author of the post, in the eyes of mutual friends he immediately turned into a real monster — and that’s not to mention the fact that the calls did not stop. In the end, the man decided to deal with the problem in a radical way and called the police.

Fortunately, the story turned out to be a favorable outcome — at least, for a photographer. The man provided copies of posts from social networks, messages and call history was more than enough: the bride and her father was arrested for harassment.

Now the photographer’s waiting to be called to testify, and finally sleeping peacefully — knowing that the new calls are expected.
