The mother, upset at the haircut son, knocked down the Barber machine

Police in Antioquia, however, where, in California, is looking for 28-year-old mother, who, according to witnesses, was upset about the haircut made her son, and sent his Toyota Prius straight to the hairdresser, also hitting the store behind him.

Officers said that on Thursday morning, ruby Delgadillo from Brentwood still calmly drove his car with the license plate California 8LHB387.

Journalists called on the number listed at ruby. Replied the woman said that she «knows nothing» and hung up.

Cousin Barber Midge Martin, told me that his name is Brian Martin and he’s 63 years old. He owns a Barber shop Barber Shop Delta for 29 years, and as a result of hitting the car he would undergo surgery on the foot Thursday morning. After noon, he wrote in Facebook that the operation at the medical center John Muir Medical Center was excellent. While attempts to contact him personally were not successful.

Before the surgery, Martin also wrote that he prays for «the woman who hit me.» He added that when she disappeared from the scene, with her in the car there were 2 little boys.

«It’s so like him,» said his business partner Dustin Souders. «Think about other people.» Souders said Delgadillo was a regular customer, and he has no idea why she was so pissed on Wednesday afternoon. He added that her son about 7-8 years.

He said that she left and then returned. Martin went outside to photograph a number of her car and then she drove a car into the Barber shop behind it.

Lieutenant Powell Meads said officers interviewed witnesses and determined that the impact was deliberate. Obviously, the mother got angry because of my haircut, which made her son, although it is unclear what exactly she didn’t like.

One witness told KTVU: «She brought the kid, so he got a haircut, paid and returned. She complained for a haircut, and they began to argue. I saw the car started up, she turned back and then quickly disappeared».

It is reported that Delgadillo had previously been arrested by the police, in particular for the sale of heroin.

In turn, the Barber was known and greatly beloved in the district. His customers leave a lot of positive feedback about his work. One commenter noted the ability of the hairdresser to work with children with autism.

Antioch barber Dustin Souders describing the moment the shop owner 63 year Brian Martin — was allegedly run over by a woman whose son had just received a haircut.

— Eric Thomas (@ericthomaskgo) December 5, 2019

Souders said that the guards at the hospital where Martin is asked if he has an official fan club because it comes a lot of visitors. «Love it,» explained Souders.
