Sentenced to death wants his shot — because the lethal injection «too painful»

Sentenced to death prisoner wants to be executed firing squad as lethal injection is «too painful».

Michael Wade nance was sentenced to death in GWINNETT County (GA) in 2002 for the murder of 43-year-old Gabor Balo. The incident occurred on 18 December 1993, when nance robbed the Bank and searched the getaway car from the scene. He wanted to take the car Balo, but he refused to submit to the demands of the attacker and nance shot him.

Now, nance has filed a lawsuit against the prison system of Georgia, saying that his veins are too narrow to lethal injection: therefore, they will be harder to get and there is a chance that toxic mix gets into soft tissues, causing «a long and painful death.»

In addition, in the last few years, the convict took the drugs from chronic back pain. According to the lawsuit, they may reduce the effectiveness of phenobarbital and make the pain during the execution even more.

«Execution at the hands of the firing squad will be more quick and painless. as stated in the lawsuit — Proof <…> clearly show that this option is more effective than injection.»

According to Death Penalty Information Center, the last time Georgia executed a convict using a firing squad in 1924 and in the US in 2010. the Verdict was executed in Utah, where the method of execution still legal.
