Neighbours from hell: the art of annoying (video)

Neighbours from hell: the art of annoying (video)

Everyone who lives in high-rise buildings, you know, may irritate the neighbors. Even if they are nice and friendly people, they always find some flaw. Someone walks loudly or slams the door, someone listens to music that does not coincide with your musical preferences, and someone is overly active Pets, or worse – the children. But you know, most likely, they are doing all this not out of malice. And let sometimes think that they could try to behave well, though a bit loud, they do not make repairs or moving furniture just to annoy the downstairs neighbors.

In any case, noisy neighbors can considerably impair the life and nerves.

Recently on YouTube a great parody of the typical neighbors, who believe that noise is a special form of art, and what noise to properly. Your ceiling is a stage, and they are on it – and the actors, dancers and singers (of theater that burns, apparently). They make a feast of the soul and the body shifts to all-around thought in their apartment no one was asleep. Art is eternal, accept, and begin to have fun.
