US cities | All about Detroit

US cities | All about Detroit

There was a time when Detroit’s population exceeded 1.8 million. Today it is home to three times less — 681 090. 1805 was the year of the city an important milestone — Detroit has almost completely burned out.

Detroit included in the top ten the most criminal cities in the world and a strong leader in the accounting ratings of the United States.

However, not all so gloomy. Was born and raised here famous rapper Eminem. Francis Ford Coppola the Director of the trilogy «the Godfather», also hails from Detroit. Hence, after the world went musical style «techno«. In Detroit there are all the most important for the United States automotive events! It was here he created the first affordable family car (Ford model T), and Henry Ford found Ford Motor Company and opened its first factory. For a cream soda too, thanks Detroit.

US cities | All about DetroitRent in Detroit

Housing prices and rents are incredibly low! However, the rumors that for $100-200 you can buy a two-storey country house should not believe. A couple of years ago on special auctions really had to find a house for $500 — but to build such housing, it would take another ten thousand. Now the budget option will cost approximately $1.5 million (but still without repair).

Work in Detroit

And here is the response to the surprised looks caused by real estate prices. In Detroit, abandoned for more than half of the buildings. The unemployment rate reaches 20%. On the streets ruled by crime and poverty.

Many homes do not have water and electricity. In the factories the wages were miserable. Young people are increasingly choosing crime.

US cities | All about DetroitWhat happened to Detroit

The beginning of the XX century — the hour of Detroit. Then there happened an economic boom in mechanical engineering. In the motor City decided to settle down not only Henry Ford but also of the Corporation General Motors and Chrysler together referred to as the «big three».

The car was in almost every family. Public transport was considered uncomfortable and undesirable. Infrastructure has developed rapidly, every inch of the city flourished, in addition to the scope of public transport. That subsequently played a cruel joke with Detroit.

The machine was equal to the freedom of movement. Why then not to move outside the city? Most residents of Detroit did.

US cities | All about Detroit

With the budget cuts the city was fading. In the early 60’s changes were more subtle but more — more. In the city there were only those who had no means to move, and the middle class and the elite to leave Detroit.

The city was completely empty after the oil crisis in 1973. Less gasoline — run cars on nothing, and public transport, as we know, the situation is no. The authorities were shocked by such a rapid extinction, because it is the first such case in American history.

Less people — falling economic turnover of the town — jobs — Hello, unemployment. Miserable wages, crime on top.

US cities | All about Detroit

Today Detroit looks like a backdrop for filming a post-apocalyptic Thriller. The world population is growing rapidly, but not here.

In the best condition (as far as possible in the current situation) is the business center of the city. Skyscrapers, where every day going to work of thousands of clerks, stores and shopping centers operate.

The headquarters of corporations Ford, General Motors, Chrysler is still in place, which helps the city to stay on his feet.

US cities | All about DetroitImportantly

A night in Detroit need to be home, behind the closed all the locks on the door. The streets are empty before going to bed, and civilization. With twilight in Detroit wakes up the crime.

The city can still be saved. But this requires a wise decision of the authorities, the responsibility of each resident and years and patience.
