The former doctor of Michael Jackson claims that the singer chemically castrated father

Sensational statement was made by a former doctor of the legendary singer Michael Jackson. Immediately after the death of the father of the artist, Conrad Murray , gave an interview to a popular portal The Blast. In his speech, the man not only harshly criticized the parent, but also said that Joe Jackson chemically castrated son. He believes that a man should «atone for the sins in hell«.

According to Murray, who for the last years of his life pop singer, was his attending physician, the father of Michael Jackson treated children. Joe was interested only in the opportunity to earn more money, and absolutely not worried about the fate of his children. During the interview, Murray said that parent legendary singer resorted to awful the procedure he was injected hormonal injections child, trying to delay puberty Michael. All this has led to the so-called chemical castration.

The former doctor of Michael Jackson claims that the singer chemically castrated father
According to Murray, the father of Michael Jackson treated children. Photo: youtube

Former doctor says if Joe Jackson used drugs to son as long as possible remained high voice. In his opinion, such a «monstrous decision» fully demonstrates how cruel the man was an American talent Manager. Conrad Murray also thinks that, despite a public reconciliation with the father, in fact, Michael Jackson all his life he hated. This opinion is confirmed by one fact: the king of pop made a point that the father could not claim any part of his legacy.

Joe Jackson died at 3: 30 a.m., June 27, in Los Angeles. He was 89 years old, and in recent years he was regularly sick. In 2016, the man had a heart attack, which he almost went blind. Its popularity Manager gained in 1969 when the group Jackson 5, which included his sons, won several talent contests. Over the next few years, the popularity of performers grew, and, accordingly, Joe Jackson has made more impact in the world of show business.

The former doctor of Michael Jackson claims that the singer chemically castrated father

Its popularity Manager gained in 1969 when the group Jackson 5, which included his sons, won several talent contests. Photo: wiki

In 1979, the future king of pop fired his father as Manager, and 14 years later, his children began to admit that the man was very cruel parent. It was then that the reputation of the talent Manager has dealt a crushing blow.

It is noteworthy that the former doctor of Michael Jackson is also «not without sin«. He spent several years in prison because law enforcement agencies have proven that his actions led to the death of the singer. Murray was convicted of manslaughter and was appointed a sentence of 4 years imprisonment. 2 years later he was released on PAROLE program.
