Discover the secrets of «live» decorations for Halloween that lets you turn ordinary housing in the haunted house

Chilling ghosts, creeping around spiders, and even skeletons, dancing to the resident band of the most known monsters – these epic Halloween decorations make people mad. Just look at the house of Dave Muse in Dearborn, Michigan and see how he turned an ordinary housing in the affected house ghosts using «magic» video.

A resident of Dearborn, Michigan Dave MJP turned his house into an animated Halloween view, showing what he’s capable of through the use of digital scenery. Video the amazing transformation of the house Dave appeared on YouTube on October 18.

When you start working all the scenery, suburban house, Dave turns into a bunch of ghosts with severed from the body limbs, the terrifying images and creepy sounds. Not without its skeletons, dancers and traditional Halloween pumpkins and insects.

All this became possible thanks to the video-visual «scenery». «All are made using 7 projectors to create some very convincing illusions,» said creative home owner edition Storyful. «The garage, for example, actually does not open. The video, which looks like it opens, and the interior of the dance slip several pairs of skeletons, until the monsters play musical instruments, in reality, just projected on the garage door».

These Halloween decorations are just flirting with your imagination, making us believe in what is not. First of all it seems that inside the garage is going on a coven of monsters, where skeletons dance to the music as frightening musicians – Frankenstein’s monster, Dracula, Mummy and Witch. Then from the «hole in the wall» are beginning to break someone’s terrible hand. But worst of all, it’s an illusion of the screaming Ghost of a woman dressed in an outfit clearly from another era. And this is not to mention that the man approached the house, it is difficult to get rid of the desire to shake off the nonexistent spider.

Needless to say, the neighbors Dave, certainly looking forward to the 1st of November.
