How to count a dogs age in «human»? Scientists have found the answer, multiply by 7 is not necessary

To convert the dogs age in human is a lot harder than it might seem, scientists say.

The idea that the age of the dog can be translated into human, just multiplying by 7 is a myth, according to scientists from the University of California. They developed a new formula for calculating the age of the dog on the age of the person based on the rate at which molecules join DNA.

Formula scientists take into account changes in DNA that occur over time, especially the «methyl group», that is, molecules that join themselves to the DNA at a stable level. They can be used to measure the age of the people and animals in a process known as epigenetika watch.

A team of scientists under the leadership of Tina Wong said that the comparison between dog and man is not so easy, because they reach adulthood at different speeds and in different breeds of dogs have different life expectancy. Lifespan of various dog breeds varies from 6-7 years to 18 years.

Scientists have found similarities in the passage of important life stages between dogs and people. Similarities were particularly strong when compared to humans and dogs the same age.

The new formula is based on epigenetic hours, involves the computation of the natural logarithm of the age of the dogs, multiply by 16 and adding to the number 31. So, using this formula, you will know that 18-year-old dog in human terms would be 77 years old and a 2 year old dog – a 42-year-old by the standards of the people.

Scientists have also calculated that there are periods in the life of dogs when their watches do not conform to the people, including the transition to adulthood, as the animals Mature earlier people. However, scientists claim that despite inaccuracies in the time of growing up, their formula is much more accurate than the myth of «the dogs age plus 7 years».

A study by researchers was published on the BioRxiv.

How to count a dogs age to human age?

human age = 16естественный the logarithm of (age dogs) + 31

That is, to multiply the natural logarithm of the age of the dog 16 and add 31.

You can use the «ln» on the calculator to find the natural logarithm of the age of the dog. You can also use the online calculator in the network to find the natural logarithm of the age of the dog, just entering her actual age.


If your dog is 7 years old, then the natural logarithm of her age would 1,9459. You need to multiply this number by 16 and add 31. Thus, by human standards, your dog 62.
