Chicago was named the city with the best restaurants

Chicago was named the city with the best restaurants

You know the feeling when someone tells you something you already know, but aloud this information sounds even better? It could feel the people of Chicago when the resource Condé Nast Traveler declared Chicago «the city with the best restaurants of America«. The grounds for awarding such a prominent title was, first, the number of awards of the James beard Foundation, and secondly- the number of talented chefs, and, thirdly, world-class restaurants, pampering residents of the windy City on a regular basis.

The article Condé Nast Traveler details on the 19 restaurantsthat were worthy of the title best. The list includes luxurious places, such as Monteverde, Roister, and Alinea, Au Cheval, as well as more mundane restaurants and eateries like Mr. Beef, Pequod»s Pizza and Spacca Napoli. The editors also noticed the potential of new restaurants, such as Income Tax, Publican and GT Anker Prime.

So, move over, Los Angeles and new York, the city’s new Sheriff. Rather, in America’s new Mecca with restaurants for lovers of good food.
