Trump administration banned Federal health Agency to use the words «fruit» and «transgender»

Trump administration banned Federal health Agency to use the words «fruit» and «transgender»

The administration of the trump prohibits officials in the highest state health authority to use the seven words or phrases in all official documents, prepare for next year’s budget.

As the Washington Post reported analysts of the Centre for control and prevention (CDC) it is forbidden to write the following words: sensitive (vulnerable), subsidy (entitlement), «diversity» (diversity), «transgender» (transgender), fruit (fetus), «evidence-based» (evidence-based) and «scientifically grounded» (science-based).

Trump administration banned Federal health Agency to use the words «fruit» and «transgender»

In some cases, the analysts were given alternative sentences. In official documents, the phrase «based on science» or «evidence-based», on the advice of the administration, it is better to replace on «the CDC is basing its recommendations on the standards and wishes of society».

One of the analysts of the CDC, which deals with the description of the Agency’s work for the annual spending plan administration, could not remember that ever in the budget documents was forbidden to write words that were considered controversial.

As reported by the center worker in the briefing, people have expressed «distrust» to such changes. Many did not believe what was happening, and was heard in the hall questions: «is It serious? Are you kidding me?»

According to the analyst, the news about the ban on certain words had not yet spread to a wider group of scientists at the CDC, but it will probably provoke quite a negative reaction.
