New York Times: trump claimed that all Haitians have AIDS, while Nigerians live in huts

New York Times: trump claimed that all Haitians have AIDS, while Nigerians live in huts

President Donald trump allegedly made a sarcastic and racist comment towards Haitians, saying that they are all sick with AIDS. This was reported by the New York Times, citing anonymous sources from the White house.

According to two unnamed officials, during a June meeting with senior officials of the administration of the tramp, not being in the spirit, looking through the list of immigrants who arrived in the country since his election.

New York Times: trump claimed that all Haitians have AIDS, while Nigerians live in huts

When the President stumbled on a line that from Haiti arrived 15 thousand immigrants, the emotional impulse trump said that all the inhabitants of the country had AIDS. But when you come to information about 40 thousand guests from Nigeria, the President said that these Nigerian immigrants never «make it back to their huts» in Africa. According to sources, he also said that Afghanistan’s terrorist haven.

As reported by CNN, the White house has sharply objected to information about what a President Donald trump talked about immigrants dismissive and humiliating way. Trump personally has not yet commented on the situation in Twitter.

The Times reported that the report was the result of more than three dozen interviews. However, several participants of the meeting told the publication that they can’t remember that trump said something like that.

Trump has repeatedly stated that the United States immigration system requires reform. Taking the opportunity, after several attacks this year, he emphasized that not only the illegal immigrants can pose a threat to the safety of Americans, but also those who came to the country thanks to lottery green cards or chain migration.
