Trump is not a gentleman? The President left his wife and son to get wet in the rain

Trump is not a gentleman? The President left his wife and son to get wet in the rain

Presidential family has been exposed to rain during flight of the air force after staying at the residence of the trump Mar-a-Lago. Bid farewell to a clingy lenses of reporters, the head of state boarded under an umbrella, leaving a spouse , the Melania and son Barron to get wet in the rain.

Did trump to share his huge umbrella, the Daily Mail reports. In media faux pas President explained his desire to save from the rain his famous hairstyle.

Trump is not a gentleman? The President left his wife and son to get wet in the rain

Trump held a three-day weekend at his favorite resort Mar-a-Lago in Florida. However, their stay was marred by the protest staged near the residence of the President outraged by what he said on the eve of the feast of words about Haiti, El Salvador and African countries.

Several politicians confirmed that at a closed meeting on immigration, the President asked: «Why are all these people from the «stinking hole» coming here?»

One protester near Mar-a-Lago was the poster, which trump shows a side-by-side with dictators Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

Another held a banner that read: «don’t be racist, trump! The Haitians fought for the freedom of the United States.» (Protester probably referred to the events of the American revolution 1775-1783, when the soldiers of Haiti helped the US colonists in the struggle for independence from Britain.)

Monday, January 15, on the occasion of the national holiday — the Day Martin Luther king maltego — the head of state addressed the countrymen with a speech in which, in particular, noted that the dream of Dr. king on racial harmony come true. It happened a few hours after the President’s statement that he is «not a racist».

Haitian groups gathering near Mar-a-Lago to protest President Donald Trump’s reported comments about their homeland being a “s***hole country” @CBS12

— Kristen Chapman (@KChapmanCBS12) January 15, 2018
