56 congressmen accused Poland and Ukraine in condoning anti-Semitism

A group of politicians published a letter to U.S. Department of State. In this 56 congressmen expressed concern about the rise of anti-Semitism, funded by the Ukraine and Poland.

In a letter posted on the website of a member of Congress , Ro Hannah, are examples of how the authorities of these countries deliberately passed laws that contribute to the strengthening of anti-Semitism.

The Polish law on the Institute of national remembrance is a Testament to the distortion of the truth about the Holocaust, I think the truce. Providing criminal liability for public charges of Polish collaboration with the Nazis, the legislation increases the number of radical nationalists.

Accusations of collaboration Poland also rejected, arguing that its citizens did not accept participation in the atrocities of the Nazis. Separately forbidden to glorify the heroes of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). This organization is accused of crimes against the Polish nation.

Special attention Congress paid to the problem of anti-Semitism in Ukraine. According to politicians, adopted in 2015, the law on decommunization gave impetus to the rapid growth of nationalist movements in the country. With these actions Ukraine «glorifies Nazi collaborators and pursues a criminal for denying their heroism,» according to the congressmen.

«These military units and individuals collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for the murder of thousands of Jews, about 100 thousand poles and other ethnic minorities,» the letter reads.

Remember the congressmen and the activities of the Ukrainian «neo-Nazi» battalion «Azov«. Instead of immediately dissolve, the government sponsor its activities. This military formation is impossible to provide American weapons.

The authorities of Ukraine and Poland this petition congressmen yet have not commented.

Combat Anti-Semitism Letter
