McCain called for my funeral, Bush and Obama, not trump

In July 2017, the Senator from Arizona and one of the few critics of the trump among Republicans John McCain publicly told about his diagnosis – cancer of the brain.

In his book «Inexorable wave», which will be released in late may, the 81-year-old McCain admitted he did not know how it is prepared. Last year, the Senator surprised his colleagues and users of social networks, when after an operation to remove the tumor came to the vote for introduction of sanctions against Russia, North Korea and Iran. Then, many admirers of the policies had hoped that he managed to defeat complex disease.

But this week there appeared information about the list of people who will be invited to attend the funeral of McCain. Probably, this suggests that McCain may leave at any time.

The American media immediately drew attention to the fact that in the list there is no President of Donald trump, but there is a second person in America – Vice-President Mike Pence. The relationship of McCain and trump several years called hostile because they are not shy to publicly criticize each other. The voice McCain was decisive in the vote for the most important to trump the law to repeal Obamacare, when attempted adoption failed.

And in excerpts from his memoirs, McCain blames the President, questioning his leadership and criticizing him for attacks on refugees and the press.

The edition of NBC News reported that the former presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama will not only attend the funeral but will also give a speech. It is also known that the parting with McCain will be held at the Washington Cathedral.
